I made the Washington Post Going Out Guide!

WP_GoingOut_2013_10_08 How cool is this? I was checking actiity on my website last night and noticed that I was getting referral traffic from the Washington Post, which made no sense until I followed the link and discovered that there's an item about the "Moving in Circles" exhibit in the "Going Out Guide". Thanks to ardent Tweeting by Kelly Wargo, Arts Education Specialist in the Greenbelt Recreation & Parks Department, I've become something to do!

A photo of one of my pieces (left) was the lead image for the column on Tues, 10/8.

The actual notice about the show appears on page 2. The show closes this Friday, so if you're planning on "going out" do it soon.


"Interpretations" traveling to San Jose


Gallery reception this Sunday (10/6)