Good new that I forgot to share
I got a note from Darcy Love (ArtCloth Network) that she added me to the group's membership page on the website ( It's not a big deal. It's just a thumbnail that links to my personal website. And yet, it is a bit of a big deal. It's a little piece of me out there in the great wide world, and in excellent company to boot. I was tickled when I got Darcy's e-mail, but sharing the news got lost in all of the vacation preparations.
So what next? Well, having been back in the office of just one week, I'm now thinking ahead to May 18th when I'll be driving to Ohio to spend a week with Kerr Grabowski at Nancy Crow. I've been looking forward to this workshop for a year. It's going to be great. I just wish that all of my travel wasn't happening back-to-back. I was away for a week in March, another in April, and now this thing in May. I feel like I'm packing suitcase every time a turn around.