Inner Glow
Catalog number: 2016-0004
DESCRIPTION: This quilted version of a traditional Japanese hanten jacket serves as a platform for contrasting a cool blue linen exterior with a lively and colorful silk interior and yellow seam finishes.
SIZE: 51 w X 36 h (inches)
MATERIALS: Cotton flannel batting, Rayon/Linen blend
MEDIA: Fiber reactive dye
TECHNIQUES: Monoprinting, Direct application of dye/paint, Stitching (machine embellishment), Stitching (machine piecing), Stitching (machine quilting)
5/1/2017, Exhibition, "Color Affects", Warren Cultural Cente, Greenfield, IA, May 1-31, 2017
8/31/2016, Juried into Art Cloth Network, "Color Affects"
8/26/2016, Completed